Col Trollinger graduated in 1990 with a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Old  Dominion University in Norfolk, VA.  Upon graduation, he was commissioned a 2ndLt via the Reserve Officer Training Corps and reported to The Basic School in Quantico, VA.                                                                                   

After completing the Basic Officer Course and Infantry Officer Course in February 1991, he reported to 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, CA, where he was assigned and trained with a combat replacement unit for Operation Desert Storm. In May 1991, he joined 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines as a rifle platoon commander.  While with 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines he deployed to Okinawa, Japan as part of the Unit Deployment Program. 

After returning from Okinawa in May 1992, he was transferred to the Reconnaissance Company, 5th Marine Regiment, which was later subsumed by the Division Reconnaissance Company, 1st Marine Division. As a reconnaissance platoon commander, he deployed to Somalia with Regimental Combat Team-7 to participate in Operation Restore Hope, as well as with Battalion Landing Team 2/5, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) to the Western Pacific. 

In August 1994, Capt Trollinger reported to the Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific, where he served as both the Assistant Officer in Charge, and Officer in Charge of the Amphibious Reconnaissance Section, USMC Training Division. In this capacity he was responsible for training Marines in the skills required for the primary Military Occupational Specialty of 0321, Reconnaissance Man.   

In June 1997, he transferred to Quantico, VA to attend the Amphibious Warfare School. Graduating in May 1998, he transferred to 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, Camp Lejeune, NC. 

Upon joining 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, Capt Trollinger served as Commander for Headquarters and Service Company, and then Commander, Company A, again deploying to Okinawa, Japan with the Unit Deployment Program. He was reassigned as the Commander for Weapons Company upon returning to Camp Lejeune in June 1999. In March 2000, he was promoted to Major, assumed duties as Operations Officer, Battalion Landing Team 1/8 and deployed with 22nd MEU to the Mediterranean Sea. 

In July 2001, he transferred to Marine Corps Security Forces Battalion (MCSFBn), Norfolk, VA, where he was assigned duties as the Assistant Operations Officer. 

Maj Trollinger assumed command of First Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) Company, MCSFBn in June 2002. During this tour, his FAST platoons routinely deployed in support of 5th, 6th and 7th Fleet Commanders. In addition, in November 2003, he led a Task Force comprised of a portion of his FAST Company, along with MCSFBn enablers, Navy EOD, and Army and Air Force military working dogs for a seven month security mission at the Coalition Provisional Authority Headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq.   

Returning from Iraq in July 2004, Maj Trollinger relinquished command of 1st FAST Company and transferred to the Joint Warfighting Center, USJFCOM, where his duties included integrating warfighter capability improvement programs in the joint training environment for assessment and validation. 

In April 2007, LtCol Trollinger assumed duties as the Operations Officer for the 24th MEU. After completing nearly the entire ARG/MEU pre-deployment training program, the MEU was re-tasked to Afghanistan to conduct combat operations in Regional Command South.  

In May 2009, he transferred to Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) to assume command of 3rd Marine Special Operations Battalion.  In November 2010, he relinquished command and performed duties as the acting MARSOC Deputy G3 until his transfer to the Washington, DC area. 

From August 2011 to June 2012, LtCol Trollinger was the Commandant of the Marine Corps Fellow with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, where he worked on projects related to future ground force capabilities, counterterrorism and national security strategy. 

In June 2012, he was assigned as the Military Assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Plans, Policy, Oversight and Integration.   

Col Trollinger took command of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit on 27 March 2013.

His personal decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, with gold star in lieu of second award, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the combat action ribbon.