CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -- Battalion Landing Team 3/1's Lima Company expanded its tactical capability during a Special Operations Training Group raid course here May 16-20.
The Marines and sailors of Lima Company, with the help of tracked amphibious vehicles and tanks, planned and executed a series of raids during the five-day field operation.
"The course let us see where the company stands as far as mechanized assaults go," said Lance Cpl. Jason A. Lindemann, a fire team leader with 1st squad, 2nd platoon, Lima Company. Lindemann, 24, is from Puxico, Mo.
The course marks the first time tracked amphibious vehicles, tanks and infantry Marines have trained together since the battalion joined the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit May 2.
"With all the assets here, the Marines got to see how the bigger picture works," said Sgt. Alexander M. Piasecki, Tomball Texas native and a section leader with Lima Company. "Some of the younger crew chiefs have only simulated transporting Marines, now they have to take into account Marines in and around their vehicles."
The raid forces will continue to work together to prepare for their upcoming deployment with the 11th MEU.