11th MEU Marines shoot up Close Quarters Battle Range

27 Nov 2007 | Sgt. Eric McLeroy 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

The Marines of Force Reconnaissance Platoon, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, fired more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition during the first few weeks of Close Quarters Battle training here.

Thousands of round casings covered the ground at Special Operations Training Group's CQB range as 21 Marines and a Navy corpsman from the platoon along with four Explosive Ordnance Disposal specialists from MEU Service Support Group 11 squared-off against cardboard targets and honed their skills in preparation for their upcoming deployment with 11th MEU.

On August 21, the platoon was added to a growing list of 11th MEU units commanded by Col. Charles S. Patton. The CQB course marks the platoon's first training event during the six-month work-up evolution in which all major subordinate elements of the MEU work to become Special Operations Capable.

The MEU earns its SOC qualification after successfully completing several missions it could potentially be tasked. A staff of Marines from Special Operations Training Group monitors the missions, and the I Marine Expeditionary Force commanding general, who authorizes the SOC qualification, reviews their observations.

For the Force Reconnaissance Marines, the CQB course is the first step in order to become SOC qualified.

"It's all about having a combat mindset," said SSgt. S.D. Gruber, team leader, Team 2. "This is combat shooting and speed and accuracy matter most in order to stay in the fight."

The CQB training here is a five-week course, which covers topics ranging from ballistics to room clearing. The Marines shoot the M-4A1 Carbine and 45. Caliber MEU(SOC) pistol.

Close Quarters Battle involves fighting in confined spaces with an undetermined number of targets. The tactics learned will be employed during Maritime Special Operations, unconventional operations that allow the MEU to be a quick-reaction force while forward deployed.

"About 90 percent of the training we conduct prior to deploying with the MEU involves CQB," said Sgt. Michael Mulvihill, team leader, Team 3.

Several of the Force Reconnaissance Marines learned quickly that expert rifle qualifications don't necessarily apply to this type of marksmanship.

"If your weapon jams, you don't attempt to clear it. We're taught to transition directly to your secondary weapon," Gruber added. "The mindset is to keep fighting."

Mulvihill remembers hearing stories from Operation Desert Storm that described the importance of this type of training. According to Mulvihill, a particular story describes a firefight in which a lance corporal's weapon jammed. Rather than clearing it, the Marine signaled a squad leader and told him the weapon was jammed.

During his career, Mulvihill witnessed this type of reaction several times. He attributes the Marines unwillingness to clear his weapon to the strict weapon and safety procedures Marines adhere to on the rifle range. Marines qualify annually on the range, but for most, it is their only experience firing the weapon.

"The training here is good because it carries over into everything else we do. If every Marine could go through this, it would be a different Marine Corps."

As the platoon fired their weapons, Special Operations Training Group Instructors called out commands requiring the Marines to change weapons while firing. Before the Marines move on to the next stage of training, firing the weapons must become second nature.

"In one week, we'll shoot more rounds than other Marines will shoot in their careers," said SSgt. Rick Schindler, team leader, Team 1. "Everyone should get to shoot this much. This is my fourth CQB qualification, and I can tell the difference in Marines who have received this training. It changes the way a Marine handles his weapon, his accuracy, and what his reaction might be in a gunfight."

The platoon learns what their reaction will be during a simulated battle in the "house", a roofless structure used at the end of the course. The Marines move through the building in a SWAT-like manner assessing targets as friendly or enemy.

Once the Marines have mastered the basic marksmanship skills for shooting inside and outside of the "house", they are prepared to embark on the next stage of training for the MEU, according to GySgt. Joseph Morrison, chief instructor, SOTG. This training will come into play during the platoon's Interoperability training as part of 11th MEU's Maritime Special Purpose Force.

During Interoperability training, the platoon is introduced to the Security Platoon and other components of the MEU that make up the MSPF. Interoperability training brings the units together to begin planning and practicing missions.

"Everything has gone well and the Marines have done well," said. Capt. P.D. Bartle, platoon commander. "Overall, this is a good package and the instructors run it well. It's all in preparation for our deployment with 11th MEU."

Marine Corps News

Colonel Caleb Hyatt
Commanding Officer

Colonel Caleb Hyatt is a native of Tamarac, Florida. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant following graduation with merit from the United States Naval Academy in May 2001. Colonel Hyatt’s command positions include Guns Platoon Commander, Battery S, 5th Battalion, 10th Marines; Headquarters Battery Commander, 5th Battalion, 11th Marines; Battery R Commander, 5th Battalion, 11th Marines; and Commanding Officer, 2d Battalion, 11th Marines. Colonel Hyatt has deployed in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM with artillery, light armored reconnaissance, and logistics units. Colonel Hyatt holds a BS in Computer Science, MA in Management, MMAS in Theater Operations, and an MS in National Security Strategy. Colonel Hyatt is also a 2023 distinguished graduate from the National War College.

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Lieutenant Col. Steven M. Sprigg
Executive Officer

LtCol Sprigg was born in Parkersburg, WV. LtCol Sprigg enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in September 2004 and recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC. LtCol Sprigg was selected for the Enlisted Commissioning Program and commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in March 2008. He was designated a Naval Aviator in February 2011 and reported to HMLAT-303 for training as an AH-1W pilot. LtCol Sprigg is currently serving as the Executive Officer for the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit in Camp Pendleton, California.

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Sergeant Major Geronimo Guzman
Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Guzman enlisted in the Marine Corps in November of 1998. He attended recruit training aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. In April of 1999, Private First Class Guzman transferred to the Material Readiness Battalion, 3rd Force Service Support Group, Okinawa, Japan. In July of 2005, Sergeant Guzman reported to Drill Instructor School, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. In May of 2011, Staff Sergeant Guzman reported to the Officers Candidate School, Quantico, Virginia. In November of 2019, Sergeant Major Guzman was promoted to his current rank and reported to Recruiting Station Sacramento. In July 2022, Sergeant Major Guzman reported to 1st Maintenance Battalion, where he previously served as the Battalion Sergeant Major.

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