Photo Information

A mortarman with Battalion Landing Team 3/1 conducts weapons reloading drills here Dec. 17 during basic combat marksmanship training. The Camp Pendleton, Calif., based unit deployed from San Diego Nov. 14 aboard USS Makin Island, USS New Orleans and USS Pearl Harbor and arrived in Singapore Dec. 12 as part of a regularly scheduled deployment to the Western Pacific and Middle East regions.

Photo by Sgt. Elyssa Quesada

Unit trains in close-quarter battle

20 Dec 2011 | Sgt. Elyssa Quesada 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Forty Marines and sailors with Combat Logistic Battalion 11 and Battalion Landing Team 3/1 conducted close-quarters battle training at the Murai Urban Training Facility here Dec. 17-18, part of a 10-day training series.

Members of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit's logistics- and ground-combat elements attended marksmanship classes, conducted weapons drills and secured buildings.

Vehicle commander Sgt. Phillip Blackwell, who taught several classes, said, "Being proficient in these skills -- in case we do find ourselves in a combat zone -- is important."

Clad in body-armor and carrying small-arms weapons, the Marines and sailors divided into two- and four-man teams, secured rooms, and encountered simulated local aggressors.

"I learned how to clear rooms, how to recognize a weapon's malfunction and how to solve it," said Lance Cpl. Jeffery Hankins, a military policeman with the logistics-combat element. "Although I knew some of the information, it was good to get a refresher to help build muscle memory."

Blackwell, who serves with the ground-combat element's Weapons Company, said that in addition to building weapons proficiency and teaching tactics, the classes reminded the Marines that they are riflemen first.

The Camp Pendleton, Calif., unit deployed from San Diego Nov. 14 and arrived in Southeastern Asia Dec. 11 as part of a regularly scheduled deployment.

Marine Corps News

Portrait of Colonel Caleb Hyatt
Colonel Caleb Hyatt
Commanding Officer

Colonel Caleb Hyatt is a native of Tamarac, Florida. Hyatt took command of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force on June 11, 2024.

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Portrait of Lieutenant Col. Steven M. Sprigg
Lieutenant Col. Steven M. Sprigg
Executive Officer

LtCol Sprigg is a native of Parkersburg, WV. LtCol Sprigg is currently serving as the Executive Officer for the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Geronimo Guzman
Sergeant Major Geronimo Guzman
Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Guzman reported to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force on May of 2024.

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11th Marine Expeditionary Unit