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Marines with Company I, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, load a CH-46E Sea Knight aboard USS Makin Island here Dec. 14 to participate in Exercise Kilat Eagle, a bilateral training event between Marines and sailors of MEU and soldiers from the Malaysian Army. The Camp Pendleton, Calif., based 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployed from San Diego Nov. 14 aboard USS Makin Island, USS New Orleans and USS Pearl Harbor and arrived in Malaysia Dec. 14 as part of a regularly scheduled deployment to the Western Pacific and Middle East regions.

Photo by Capt. Roger Hollenbeck

Exercise Kilat Eagle brings U.S. and Malaysian forces together

14 Dec 2011 | Capt. Roger Hollenbeck 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Marines and sailors with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit began a cooperative exercise with elements of the Malaysian Army here Dec. 14, focusing on jungle training, air assault operations, a staff exchange and platoon and company movements.

“Kilat Eagle reinforces our relationship with the Malaysian forces and provides a unique training opportunity for all parties,” said Col. Michael Hudson, 11th MEU’s commanding officer. “We look forward to sharing all that this agile, forward-deployed Marine air-ground-logistics team has to offer.”

During the exercise, Marines plan to learn jungle survival and work with their Malaysian counterparts to improve helicopter-borne assault techniques. A staff exchange will also take place, blending the experiences and functional areas of the forces.

“This is a golden opportunity,” said Hudson. “The venues and expertise offered by our gracious hosts will allow us to train with the Malaysians while keeping us sharp for our deployment as America’s premier fighting force in the littorals.”

The Marines and sailors taking part in the exercise came ashore from the amphibious assault ship Makin Island which departed its San Diego homeport Nov. 14. The MEU, teamed with Amphibious Squadron 5, make up the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group.

The MEU's major subordinate elements participating in the training are Battalion Landing Team 3/1, Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 268 (Reinforced) and Combat Logistics Battalion 11.

For more information, contact the unit's public affairs officer, Capt. Roger Hollenbeck, at, or visit the MEU online at, or on Twitter at!/11thmeu.

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11th Marine Expeditionary Unit