Photo Information

Marines with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrive in country Dec. 11. The Camp Pendleton, Calif., unit embarked three U.S. Navy ships in San Diego Nov. 14 and arrived in Southeastern Asia Dec. 11 as part of a regularly scheduled deployment. The unit came to Cambodia to take part in exchanges of expertise with the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. ::r::::n::::r::::n::

Photo by Cpl. Ryan Carpenter

Unit arrives for exercise in Cambodia

11 Dec 2011 | Capt. Roger Hollenbeck 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Marines and sailors of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit came ashore from amphibious ships here Dec. 11, to begin a cooperative exercise with the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces focusing on medical subject-matter-expert exchanges, mass-casualty response, community outreach, jungle familiarization and platoon and company movements.

“We welcome the opportunity to work alongside the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and share with them all that this amphibious force has to offer,” said Lt. Col. Michael P. Wylie, 11th MEU’s executive officer and officer in charge of the exercise for the Marines. “We will use these venues to enhance our professional relationships across the board, from mass-casualty response to jungle familiarization.”

During the exercise Marines, sailors and Cambodian forces will participate in a blood drive and community outreach projects in local schools, jungle familiarization, maritime interdiction subject-matter-expert exchanges and platoon and company sized movements.

“Exposing a generation of Marines accustomed to life in the desert to the challenges of the jungle and tying in with local medical professionals to make a difference in the community will stay with these warriors for the rest of their lives,” said Wylie.

The Marines and sailors taking part in the exercise came ashore from the amphibious transport dock New Orleans and the dock landing ship Pearl Harbor, which departed their San Diego homeport Nov. 14 as part of the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group.

The MEU's major subordinate elements are Battalion Landing Team 3/1, Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 268 (Reinforced) and Combat Logistics Battalion 11.

For more information, contact the unit's public affairs officer, Capt. Roger Hollenbeck at or visit the MEU website at, , or on twitter at!/11thmeu.

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11th Marine Expeditionary Unit