Photo Information

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane Duhe oversees the vertical replenishment of USS Bonhomme Richard Aug. 20. Combat cargo Marines with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit assisted in de-rigging and moving supplies from the flight deck to the hangar bay of the ship. During vertical replenishment helicopters deliver supplies from ship-to-ship using cargo nets slung beneath them.

Photo by Sgt. Scott Biscuiti

Helicopters re-supply Marines, sailors at sea

20 Aug 2009 | Sgt. Scott Biscuiti 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Members of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit assisted in an underway replenishment of supplies brought to USS Bonhomme Richard by Navy helicopters Aug. 20.

The Marines, assigned to USS Bonhomme Richard’s combat cargo, disconnected the cargo nets and moved the supplies from the flight deck to the hangar bay. From there the supplies were distributed throughout the ship.

Helicopters are used for re-supply based on the needs of the ship, said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane Duhe, USS Bonhomme Richard’s combat cargo officer. During the replenishment, helicopters delivered supplies from ship-to-ship using cargo nets slung beneath them.

The re-supply was the first vertical replenishment conducted during the MEU’s certification exercise, their final training before deploying later this year.

Marine Corps News

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Colonel Caleb Hyatt
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Sergeant Major Geronimo Guzman
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11th Marine Expeditionary Unit