Photo Information

A light armored vehicle rolls along a dusty road on its way to an objective while the Marines inside prepare to conduct a raid on a suspected terrorist training camp during a training exercise here June 5. The Marines, with Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, conducted the raid as part of their pre-deployment workups, in preparation for an upcoming deployment later this year.

Photo by Cpl. Scott M. Biscuiti

CAAT, LAR platoons hit enemy hard during raid training

6 Jun 2007 | - 11th MEU Public Affairs 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Marines from Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Camp Pendleton, began a week-long training exercise at Fire Base Gloria here designed to train Marines to conduct raids on terrorist targets from the air, land and sea.

According to instructors from the Marine Corps Special Operations Training Group, I Marine Expeditionary Unit, here, the Combined Anti-Armor Team (CAAT) and Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) Platoons of BLT 1/5 are learning how to work as a team to hit the enemy hard, fast and with lethal force. Using scenarios modeled after real and possible future operations, the Marines are training to hit suspected terrorist training facilities suspected of manufacturing improvised explosive devices, rocket propelled grenades and small arms.

The exercises are part of the 11th MEU’s pre-deployment training in preparation for their upcoming deployment later this year. To read more about the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit visit their website at

Marine Corps News

Portrait of Colonel Caleb Hyatt
Colonel Caleb Hyatt
Commanding Officer

Colonel Caleb Hyatt is a native of Tamarac, Florida. Hyatt took command of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force on June 11, 2024.

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Portrait of Lieutenant Col. Steven M. Sprigg
Lieutenant Col. Steven M. Sprigg
Executive Officer

LtCol Sprigg is a native of Parkersburg, WV. LtCol Sprigg is currently serving as the Executive Officer for the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Geronimo Guzman
Sergeant Major Geronimo Guzman
Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Guzman reported to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force on May of 2024.

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11th Marine Expeditionary Unit